Bringing You Back and Helping You Grow

Welcome to WIN Nova Scotia Christian Ministries!
New Here?Live Stream

Join Us Every Sunday
10:30 AM to 12:00 NN
463 Sackville Dr,
Lower Sackville, NS B4C 2S1


Our vision is to be an Atlantic Canada community of churches committed to fulfilling the Great Commission of helping to establish the Kingdom of God in the hearts of men, women, and children to build communities of families where lives, regardless of their origin or status, are transformed to reflect the image of Jesus Christ.


WIN Nova Scotia Christian Ministries is a local church, we are a family of diverse people whose lives have been transformed by the love of God. In fulfilling the great commission, we are bound to evangelize the world through the power of the Holy Spirit, the love that flows from His Son Jesus Christ, and the fellowship of the believers.

Through this ministry, we build a community of families where their lives regardless of their origin or status are drawn and changed to reflect the image of Jesus Christ and to shine like stars in a dark world for the glory of God.

For this, we lay our lives and for this, we bear the torch that lights a path for the next generation until our Lord Jesus comes.


Our mission is to bring the unsaved and nominal Christians to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ by planting churches in the multicultural urban centres of Atlantic Canada where leaders are developed and discipled to proclaim the Gospel. “Jesus disciples, makes disciples of Jesus.”

Join Us Every Sunday
10:30 AM to 12:00 NN
463 Sackville Dr,
Lower Sackville, NS B4C 2S1


WIN Nova Scotia Christian Ministries is a local church, we are a family of diverse people whose lives have been transformed by the love of God. In fulfilling the great commission, we are bound to evangelize the world through the power of the Holy Spirit, the love that flows from His Son Jesus Christ, and the fellowship of the believers.

Through this ministry, we build a community of families where their lives regardless of their origin or status are drawn and changed to reflect the image of Jesus Christ and to shine like stars in a dark world for the glory of God.

For this, we lay our lives and for this, we bear the torch that lights a path for the next generation until our Lord Jesus comes.


Our vision is to be an Atlantic Canada community of churches committed to fulfilling the Great Commission of helping to establish the Kingdom of God in the hearts of men, women, and children to build communities of families where lives, regardless of their origin or status, are transformed to reflect the image of Jesus Christ.


Our mission is to bring the unsaved and nominal Christians to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ by planting churches in the multicultural urban centres of Atlantic Canada where leaders are developed and discipled to proclaim the Gospel. “Jesus disciples, makes disciples of Jesus.”


Our beliefs are based on the Bible and centered on Jesus Christ.


  • Develop exciting & Spirit-filled celebration services through music & the preaching of the Word of God
  • Emphasis on prayer , intercession & worship recognizing that these are essential if we are to see the God-given vision fulfilled


  • The exploration & development of different strategies for evangelism in order to reach the lost with the Gospel of Jesus Christ
  • Cell groups as the most effective means of edification, equipping, & evangelism
  • Commitment to involvement in missions & church planting, both foreign & local


  • Emphasis in not just attending church but becoming a part of the church family, developing meaningful relationships within the local church that will enhance the spiritual growth of the individual
  • Encouraged involvement in cell groups & ministries as a means for relationship building within the church family
  • Development of a follow-up & assimilation program that will see new comers effectively assimilated into the church life of WIN Nova Scotia


  • Preaching & teaching the Word of God in a way that is relevant & life transforming
  • Church equipping process that will see the entire church equipped to do the works of the ministry
  • Lay Leadership training for the leaders of the church

Featured Event

"WIN NS 12th Founding Anniversary"

November 16th, 2024

Creation. Redemption. Restoration.

Word International Ministries Nova Scotia is blessed to have a leadership team who are truly dedicated to Christ and accomplishing His purposes. Our leaders are here to HELP.


Next Steps

Ways to Get Involved.

First Step: Reach out

Phone: +1 (902) 580 –0573


Are you looking for ways to grow spiritually together with our church community? Join us for our discipleship courses. In this powerful study, you will gain a fresh understanding of what it looks like to align your life with God’s priorities. Here you will discover anew why the word blessed means walking in the fullness and satisfaction of God, no matter your circumstances. As you look closely at the meaning behind each of the Beatitudes, you will see how these truths can shape your choices every day–and bring you closer to the heart of God.


Youth and Young Pro Ministry aim to take teenagers to the next LEVEL. We want every youth to experience a life empowered by values, excellence, and leadership! We are passionate about making Christ-committed young people through discipleship groups, youth services, and the #AriseYouth program.


Never neglect the power of persistent prayers for it reaches beyond borders.
As we heed the Lord’s mission for us, let us devote time to intentionally pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Life Groups

Dedicated to helping families and individuals take steps closer to God & to each other. We do this by providing relevant and transformative Bible-based seminars, workshops, and retreats for each member to build solid relationships and for parents to develop good parenting skills. These workshops are also open to singles who are planning to start a family.


Kids Ministry exists to come alongside families in the journey of knowing, loving and serving God. Together, we are passionate and committed to building the next generation of young Christ-committed followers who will influence others to become Christ-committed followers.


God WANTS YOU to be part of His work! Invest your life in something that will last for eternity today! Use your God-given skills and abilities to serve either through multimedia arts, events, administration, writing, IT, or becoming a #NotAlone facilitator.


The advancement of God’s Kingdom through WIN NS could not have been made possible without the impact of our members and ministry partners. If God has blessed you with financial resources and you desire to help the Gospel reach people at the ends of the earth, we need your partnership.


Our vision is to transform lives and nations for Jesus through Worship. We believe worshiping is a tool to share the gospel, connect with people, teach the Bible and values to children, etc. And through it, we can develop leaders who are able to engage, evangelize equip, and empower others in and through Worship.

Get Involved

Join Us At Any Event!




2025 Corporate Prayer & Fasting

January 13-17, 2025 | 6:00PM
463 Sackville Dr, Lower Sackville, NS

Transformation in the Likeness of Christ


Worship Night

January 17, 2025 | 6:30PM
463 Sackville Dr, Lower Sackville, NS

Praise & Worship for Breaking Fast

Leader’s Meeting

February 23, 2025 | 1:00PM
463 Sackville Dr, Lower Sackville, NS

2025 Planning & Calendar of Events

Church Blog

The Latest News & Updates

Welcome to WIN NS Family!

Welcome to WIN NS Family!

Our church is growing, and we are blessed as new families joined us in 2021. On December 6, a lunch fellowship followed by a Membership Class led by Pastor Ramon and Pastor Gary joined by our board...

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Grateful Heart – WIN Anniversary 2021

Grateful Heart – WIN Anniversary 2021

"Always be joyful. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus." - 1 Thessalonians 5:16‭-18‬ What are you grateful for? “Grateful heart” is this...

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ARISE YOUTH in Retrospect

ARISE YOUTH in Retrospect

One of the most important ministries in a church is the Youth Ministry. Teenage life is a crucial stage where teens are susceptible to various influences, rampant idolatry, and their identity is...

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Connect To Our Pastor

Pastor Gary Redondo
+1 (902) 580 – 0573

Office Mailing Address

243 Sheppards Run, Beechville,
Halifax, NS B3T 2G2

Join Us Every Sunday

10:30 AM to 12:00 NN
463 Sackville Dr, Lower Sackville,
NS B4C 2S1