The experience in the 180° Youth Conference in Calgary was an unexplainable. It has left a huge impact to the youths of WORD INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES (WIN) and to everyone who had come and attended the conference. It has definitely left a “fire” and boldness in us to use it to encourage other people to know God just as much as we have known Him.

It was not an easy journey before we got to the venue. We had to fly for more than 9 hours including layovers, and by the time we arrived, we were exhausted. Entering the WIN Calgary Church, we had the fewest delegates, it did not discourage us because we know we are together with the purpose that God has called for us: to become an instrument to spread His word.

On Day 1, August 22, 2018; we met at the airport at 4am to catch the 7am flight. We arrived in Calgary at about 3pm. We had to squeeze in all the things we needed to do before going to the conference venue for registration. Despite the exhaustion, we managed to attend the Praise Party that night with enthusiasm and energy.

On Day 2, August 23, 2018; we woke up at about 7 am for our first morning devotion. We talked about what happened from the previous day and how we felt from our experience. We then headed for breakfast and swim in the pool after. At about 9 am, we headed to the conference venue which is across our hotel. The program started whereby Pastor Richard welcomed everyone and acknowledged each delegate group by asking each group to scream as loud as we can. We then moved on to the Praise and Worship led by the Youth Ministry of Calgary. This was followed by an hour session on Wisdom, Boldness, and Commission. After lunch, we attended breakout sessions that we individually could choose. Coincidentally, we, the youth from WIN Nova Scotia, all chose “Victorious Secret” for our first session and proceeded with the next which is called “Finding Your Calling”. At about 3pm, we were then separated into groups for some activities including group naming, cheering, poster making and playing outdoor games.  At 5pm, we had a break and have to come back at 7pm for another Praise and Worship and for the last session entitled “Endurance”. After the session, the speaker requested to sing a song and at that time, we had a moment with God. Our respective Pastors came to each of us and we were all emotional and overwhelmed. We were surprised when the speaker called us, the delegates of WIN Nova Scotia, at the front for prayer. We were prayed and prophesied with what our future would be like. It was very intense as we broke out in a spontaneous display of emotions. After the prayer, we all hugged each other and praised how great our God is and that we are not the same person anymore. Once we leave Calgary, we are a new person.

On Day 3 August 24,2018; we had another morning devotion wherein we shared about what we felt and received from God’s word for the day. It was followed by breakfast then getting ready for another fun-filled day of activities for the last day of the conference. The program started with another welcome from Pastor Richard accompanied with cheers from each WIN group delegates. It was followed by Praise and Worship. At 11 am, we then attended another session for the day before heading off for lunch. After lunch, we went to the session called “To all the Nations”. At 2pm, we headed to the last breakout session of the conference. Five of us were in the same session called “Joy-filled Repentance” while the remaining five went to another breakout session about the ministries. During the “Joy-filled Repentance” session, we were screaming on what we were repenting, which was very loud and has caught the attention of people in the other rooms because we were all yelling one at a time in a chair and just saying what we are sorry for. It was such a great way to end our last breakout session. At 3pm, we joined our groups for another outdoor activity, but unfortunately, it was raining, so we just had a Talent Show, whereby my group “Trinity” had won. We did a high school musical theme turning back to God.

At 7pm, for the last night of the conference, we had the last Praise and Worship then followed by a talk. The speaker talked about “recovering our cutting edge”. This was followed by another moment with God and praying over each other once again. It was very intense and we are all overwhelmed. We felt the Holy Spirit was there, renewing our lives into a Child of God, and turning back to God, and having a deeper relationship with God. During this time, we all decided to fully surrender to God, 100%, no hesitations, and ready to do whatever He wants us to do. Once that was over, we moved on to the Water Baptism, whereby two of our youth delegates from WIN Nova Scotia were baptized. We were all so proud because of how we all had become, how our relationship with God grew deeper and how we all made friends in the conference during the short period of time that we have known each other. Before the conference ended, we had a chance to say goodbye to everyone, took pictures, and tried to stay connected.

After our walk back to the hotel, Pastor Ramon decided to have a devotion and a “talk” about our experience and how we will bring it back home to Nova Scotia, and how we will maintain this “fire” that was planted in our hearts. Up to now, I can still say that we still have this fire burning in our hearts and still are ready to do whatever God wants us to do, by sharing His word to the lost, and being an instrument in serving Him and giving back all the glory and praises to our Lord and Savior. This feeling will never be replaced and will never be forgotten because it had change us and had shaped us into the person that we are right now, living a Christian life, being spiritually fed by His word, and having the boldness that we have brought home from this conference.