In mid-June 2018, we held our Family Fun Day with a theme “Harvest” from Matthew 9:38Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” On December 1st, as we celebrate WIN Nova Scotia’s 5th year anniversary, we continued the “Harvest” as we proclaim Psalm 85:12Yes, the LORD pours down his blessings. Our land will yield its bountiful harvest.

The program started with a powerful praise and worship lead by the Worship Team. This was followed by the opening prayer of Pastor Ramon. He then showed video greetings from other WIN churches of Canada to show their love and support for our church.

We were blessed to have Pastor Andoni Ros of WIN Calgary, deliver the anniversary message entitled “A Harvester’s Confidence”. It is very apt as his message talked about the Lord’s promise of the bountiful harvest for everyone and that we should pray to bring workers to the harvest. He also emphasized that Jesus can and will use anybody as long as they are willing. It is availability not ability that makes an effective harvester.

The celebration continued with various presentations from the Kids Ministry and ARISE Youth Ministry. As well, an audio-visual presentation created by our Media Team was played. It is a retrospect of WIN Nova Scotia’s journey as a church and as a community. The video showcased each member’s purpose in joining WIN, their respective spiritual journey and the things that they look forward to the church.

WIN Nova Scotia: A Retrospect (click to watch video)

God has been very faithful to WIN Nova Scotia for the past five years since it started. From a small group of bible study sessions, it has grown into a church composed of different ministries such as home groups, music ministry, youth ministry, children’s ministry among others. Members may have come and go and challenges and struggles arise but with God’s grace, WIN Nova Scotia continued to overcame these circumstances and faced each day with confidence and faith to God.

As we move forward to another year, we will continue our mission to praise and worship the Lord, proclaim His goodness and declare His promises to everyone.  We, as individuals and as a church, will fulfill our purpose of bringing workers to the “Harvest”.