One of the most important ministries in a church is the Youth Ministry. Teenage life is a crucial stage where teens are susceptible to various influences, rampant idolatry, and their identity is built. They are considered to be having the most time, energy and wild ideas. They can either be misunderstood or used or can be molded and lead.
The ARISE Youth Ministry of WIN Nova Scotia Christian Ministries has been ministering our youth for over four years now. ARISE stands for All are Redeemed in the Savior’s Existence, basing from the verse in Ephesians 5:14 “Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead and Christ will rise on you”. During those time, that group of teenagers needed boost and guidance in God’s word and His purpose, thus, the enhancement of the ministry.
Young people come and go, with different journey, problems, struggles and difficulties. Lives are shared, friendships blossomed and inner relationship with the Lord developed. The bible study that was used to be every two weeks changed to every week as per the group’s request. This shows how excited they are to meet each other and to grow together in the Word of God. Surrounded by respected leaders, encouraging members and supportive parents made the difference. The time and effort of transporting them in every bible study and treasures provided to support them made an impact. Ministering to them is not always paper and pen but also catering to their needs. It could also to be with them, meeting their inner desires and understanding where they are at.

Over time, most of the members became part of other ministries in the church such as Worship and Kids Ministry. The talents of these young people were developed because they are given the opportunity to use and show them. Seminars, teachings, training, and conferences were offered and supported to enhance their abilities and better understand their mission (Matthew 28: 16-20).
Young leaders have arise as evidenced by some of them leading bigger ministries within the church as what 1 Timothy 4:12 states “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity”. One of which is partnering in ministering the incoming new batch of youth. As we move forward, we are looking into launching the Young Adult, Youth, and Junior Youth small groups that will cater to these different age bands.

There can never be a perfect recipe in leading this ministry as each generation, background, needs and situation differs. However, one thing stays the same: THE LORD and HIS WORD. The ARISE ministry is made by GOD for His glory, and it should go back to Him. New generation or new faces may surface, yet, we will have this legacy and continue to hold in His word in John 6:37 “All those the father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away”.
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