My sole prayer before I came here to Canada is from Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” I hold on to the Lord’s promise that He will prepare the place and the people that I will meet. Leading the Youth Ministry is a fulfilled promise of God.
There were around 6-10 youth member in the church. Some have transferred to other countries and/or provinces leaving a few behind. The amazing work of God slowly brought new young people in the following months. We started our bi-weekly bible study going house to house. My heart is always full when parents welcome us in their houses or allow their children to join. As they increase in number, approximately 20 members to date, their relationship to each other and with the Lord grows deeper
We named our group ARISE “All Redeemed in the Savior’s Existence” Youth Ministry. As the name speaks for itself, we won’t be able to do things or live as good Christians without Jesus in our lives. I’m so blessed with this group of young people as I see them share their talents and letting themselves be used by God through different ministries. Most of them are in the worship team: playing instruments, singing, dancing. Some help in the kid’s ministry and some in the media team. They also lend a hand in our church’s special events and programs.
Recently, in order to know Jesus more, we changed the bible study schedule to weekly. Other than bible study, relationships are built and grow through fellowships such as movie nights at theaters, dining out, welcoming newcomers and school break fun activities. Last August 2018, some members joined the 180º Youth Conference in Calgary. They were trained and equipped to become good followers and leaders of God. Indeed, when they came home, the Lord’s work came in handy. The young people were on fire and bold to share the goodness of the Lord to everyone.
I am grateful that the church has been very supportive to all the activities of the ministry, may it be through transportation to bible studies or events, to youth gatherings and to conferences that we are joining. Moreover, I am thankful to all parents who are always there to support, understand and allow their children to join the ministry’s activities. Above anything else, I know that the Lord is the one who will continue to bless the ministry and bring more youth to his vineyard. This ministry is molded by Him and it will give glory to Him alone.
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